Where are Salesforce Fields used in Skuid

Hi all, I’m new to Skuid and to the Skuid community. I recently was put into the position of owning our Skuid screens and work when a colleague left our company. I am on
Dubai Update 3 (

I have minimal training on Skuid and am working through various things to learn more but in the meantime, I need to continue to support our Salesforce org.

My question is: Is there a way to see where a particular Salesforce field is used/referenced in Skuid? I have been clicking through every single data model and viewing the field lists and then through every single page/screen and field but this is unrealistic to continue to do with so many data models, pages/screens and fields. I need to make updates to several fields but am hampered by my inability to know what I am potentially impacting by making these updates.

I’m looking for something similar to the “Where is this used?” button in Salesforce. Does anything like that exist or does anyone have any tips/tricks to make this faster?

Thank you in advance!!

Hi @njamison, welcome to the Skuid community! You’ve definitely come to the right place.

You should be able to see which pages a field is on by searching for the field API name in the search box on any of the Skuid app screens. This also searches the page XML so it should turn up all of the pages that field is used on.

I definitely feel your pain trying to find your way around a system someone else built! Don’t hesitate to reach out if other questions come up.

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I love that. Didn’t even know that was a thing!
Also, once you find the Skuid page that the field is used on, it may be used several times. You can open the xml and hit control +F to search the xml and search by the field name to find all the places it is used on the page.