Skuid 11.1.13 Picklist Bug with Special Characters

Hi Chandra and others on this thread,

It looks like this issue should have been resolved in versions 11.2.2 of Skuid. If you have a non-mission critical sandbox where you could test and let us know if the issue still persists after that version, it would be quite helpful for us to communicate that back to the developers internally.

Thank you,


Good to know!  I checked the release notes, but didn’t see a match to this one.  We are holding off upgrading due to this theme issue:

Do you know the status of it?

We are experiencing same issue, on table filters am using aggregate model to build the table filter, but the values on the dropdown shows unescaped chars. 

What version of Skuid are you currently running?

We are currently on 11.0.2

Hi Team,

Can i know if this will be fixed, this is annoying our end users.

Hi Praveen - please see the threads above, this was fixed in 11.2.2.  Thank you!