Question on calling REST API from Skuid snippet


Earlier, while using VF page we had the below snippet in use:

function tokenizeCreditCard(CCNumber){

        if ( CCNumber == null || CCNumber.length < 15 || CCNumber.length > 16 ) 
            popupjQuery$('#creditCardErrorDiv').html( '<b>'+'Please enter valid 16 digit Credit Card Numbers'+'</b>');
            return false;
        // Strip out spaces from input value
        var fixedCard = CCNumber.replace( /s+/g, "" );
        console.log( "noSpaces: '" + fixedCard + "'" );
        CCNumber = fixedCard;
        var token = "";
        var isDebug = false;
        var parsedJSON = "";
            var soapMsg = '{ "cc":"' + CCNumber + '"}'; //json request message
            sforce.connection.sessionId = "{!$Api.Session_ID}";
            // url : "{!sdtUrl}",
                url : "{!sdtEndpoint}",
                    "Content-Type": "Application/json",
                    "Authorization": "{!sdtHeader}"
                mimeType: "text/plain",
                requestData: soapMsg,
                method: "POST",
                async: false,
                onSuccess: function(response)
                    console.log('I am in Success '+response);
                    parsedJSON = JSON.parse(response);
                    var cc =;
                    var CCToken = parsedJSON.ccToken;
                    if (typeof console != 'undefined') {
                      console.log('CCToken = '+CCToken);
                    if (typeof CCToken != 'undefined' &amp;&amp; CCToken!= '') {
                        var lastDigits = CCToken.substring(CCToken.length - 4,CCToken.length);
                        var ccFormat = "**** **** **** "+lastDigits;
                        errorMsg = '';
                    } else {
                onFailure: function(response)
                   console.log('error message on failure');
                    var errorMsg = GetErrMsg(response);
                    //popupjQuery$('#creditCardErrorDiv').html( 'Invalid Credit card number');
                    popupjQuery$('#creditCardErrorDiv').html( '<b>'+ errorMsg+'</b>');
        } catch(exception) {  
           console.log('exception message in catch block**');

This function will send the CCard No# to an endpoint and get a token.

how to convert this into skuid’s snippet ?

How to get the sessionID and how does it work for sforce.connection.remoteFunction(){} ?

Any ideas ?