Mass Action: Send email to multiple people using standard SF functionality

Thanks for the question Rob, it made me think and realize i was going about it the wrong way. I had to go the way of a snippet for this to work since the email addresses need to be in a colon-separated string. I re-purposed the snippet from this post and altered to suit my needs.

Final result:

&#47;&#47; Get the Email of the selected items as an Array<br />var emailArray = skuid&#46;$&#46;map(arguments[0]&#46;list&#46;getSelectedItems(),function(item){&nbsp;<br /><br />&nbsp; &nbsp;return item&#46;row&#46;Email;&nbsp;<br /><br />});<br /><br />&#47;&#47; Convert this array to a colon-separated String<br /><br />var emailString = emailArray&#46;join(';');<br /><br />&#47;&#47; Redirect to Send Email page,<br />&#47;&#47; passing in the Contact Email string<br />window&#46;location&#46;href = "/_ui/core/email/author/EmailAuthor?rtype=003" + "&amp;p24=" + "noreply@abc&#46;com" + "&amp;p5=" + emailString;