Javascript Hanging - Asynchronos Array/Map Iteration

I ran into an issue where I was running through heavy javascript processing (big for loops) and the browser tab was freezing while it was iterating over the loops. In order to fix this I utilized some code that ran the loops in asynchronous chunks broken up by a maximum time per chunk, allowing the page to have intermittent updates while the loop was running.
I wanted to share this template code here so anyone that is having this issue can benefit from it. Keep in mind this code is ran asynchronously, so you’ll need to rely on the “endFn” function variable to execute code after the loop completes.

//Iterate Array Asynchronously
//If iterating over Model Rows, first get the rows into an array using model.getRows(), use that as the array variable
//fn = the function to call while iterating over the array (for loop function call)
//chunkEndFn (optional, use undefined if not using) = the function to call when the chunk ends, used to update a loading message
//endFn (optional, use undefined if not using) = called at the end of the async execution
//last two args are optional
function iterateArrayAsync(array, fn, chunkEndFn, endFn, maxTimePerChunk, context) {
context = context || window;
maxTimePerChunk = maxTimePerChunk || 200;
var index = 0;

function now() {
return new Date().getTime();

function doChunk() {
var startTime = now();
while (index < array.length &amp;&amp; (now() - startTime) <= maxTimePerChunk) {
// callback called with args (value, index, array),array[index], index, array);
if((now() - startTime) > maxTimePerChunk &amp;&amp; chunkEndFn !== undefined){
//callback called with args (index, length),index,array.length);
if (index < array.length) {
// set Timeout for async iteration
setTimeout(doChunk, 1);
else if(endFn !== undefined){;

iterateArrayAsync(ourArray,function(value, index, array){
//runs each iteration of the loop
//runs after every chunk completes, this is optional, use undefined if not using this
//runs after completing the loop, this is optional, use undefined if not using this

//Iterate Map Asynchronously
//fn = the function to call while iterating over the map (for loop function call)
//chunkEndFn (optional, use undefined if not using) = the function to call when the chunk ends, used to update a loading message
//endFn (optional, use undefined if not using) = called at the end of the async execution
//last two args are optional
function iterateMapAsync(map, fn, chunkEndFn, endFn, maxTimePerChunk, context) {
var array = Array.from(map.keys());
context = context || window;
maxTimePerChunk = maxTimePerChunk || 200;
var index = 0;

function now() {
return new Date().getTime();

function doChunk() {
var startTime = now();
while (index < array.length &amp;&amp; (now() - startTime) <= maxTimePerChunk) {
// callback called with args (value, key, map),map.get(array[index]), array[index], map);
if((now() - startTime) > maxTimePerChunk &amp;&amp; chunkEndFn !== undefined){
//callback called with args (index, length),index,array.length);
if (index < array.length) {
// set Timeout for async iteration
setTimeout(doChunk, 1);
else if(endFn !== undefined){;

iterateMapAsync(ourMap,function(value, key, map){
//runs each iteration of the loop
//runs after every chunk completes, this is optional, use undefined if not using this
//runs after completing the loop, this is optional, use undefined if not using this