Quality of Skuid Documentation

The depth and breadth of Skuid content is an order of magnitude better than just a year ago and keeps getting better and better.

Kudos to the documentation team!

How do I get notified whenever new content is published?

Currently, you can get notified by checking the “Skuid Central” tab. Whenever a tutorial is changed or a new tutorial is added, the “fresh tutorials and documentation” section is automatically updated, showing the 5 most recently added/changed tutorials.

Great, did not know that.  Thanks!

You are so kind. It’s really great to know that the documentation has been helpful to you. Kudos to our very own Josh Cutler for expanding this documentation and keeping everything up-to-date!
Thanks again!

Irvin.  This may sound really old school.  But if you are still using an RSS feed reader - you can subscribe to the RSS Feed at http://help.skuidify.com/s/1895.rss   

We really should set up a twitter feed or email list for these kinds of notifications - but that is one option. 

Thanks Rob.

Would anyone like to be able to subscribe to any and all articles in help.skuidify.com. Vote here –> https://bluemango.zendesk.com/entries/20214473-Ability-to-subscribe-to-a-manual-and-receive-email-notifications-of-updates#

Go old school.  Use an RSS reader.  Subscribe to this feed:  http://help.skuidify.com/s/tutorials.rss

Rock it like  2005