Progress bar component

Hey @moradrimor, do you know if you’re using v1 or v2 pages in Skuid?

I saw from this previous post you were on 12.2.9, so I’m guessing you’re on v1.

V1 Custom Component: Follow the instructions here to create a progress indicator component:

Ui-Only Donut Chart: In either version if you want a circular progress indicator, you can use a donut chart based on a Ui-Only model that you update in the background as users reach certain milestones.

V2 details for posterity:

In v2 you can use conditional rendering and styling to build your own progress indicator.

You can also show progress in navigation items in the Navigation Component as shown here:

If you’d like an out of the box progress indicator component for v2, you can create that in the Ideas category so other users can vote it up.