Native Kanban view

I haven’t seen a post on this topic in a few years… so I’ll ask again.
Is there a native Skuid way to display items on a Kanban view where users can drag/drop the items from one column to the next (similar to lightning kanban view).
Ideally, I’m looking for a native/declarative solution, not code.

No - there is not a declarative way to reproduce “drag and drop” editing of data. (data is changed based on the area of the page the element in dragged into). It has been on our idea board for a few years, but never risen to an essential level of urgency.

The only alternative I can think of would be buttons in individual cards to move the card left or right. Or maybe mass actions on a table to do the same thing. This configuration would be pretty straightforward, but likely would be hard to make dynamic. I’m thinking the actions in each column would have to be specifically configured and could not do something like “Go to next stage” “go to previous stage”

Let us know what you end. up building. Wed like to see it.