How do I reference data changed in a form component?

After data is entered into a form, what are the actions I need to do to be able to access the data changed in the form.

I’m trying to create a simple form that sends an email to our org box with the contents.
I’ve created a model (ContactModalContents) with the fields Subject and Body.
I’ve created the form component where set the form fields to my model fields.
When the user clicks send, I don’t know the actions I need to create to access the data changed by the form.
I’ve tried saving changes in model, querying the model and creating an output reference, all are empty when I try to refer to it.

I know I need a Run Data Source action to send an email. How do I reference subject and body data from my ContactModalContents. {{$Model.ContactModalContents.0.Subject}} doesn’t work, its always empty.

I hope this makes sense.


I think your merge syntax is not correct. You are on the right track with {{$Model.ContactModalContents.0.Subject}} . But you are missing the keyword data

The correct syntax is: {{$}}

I keep this page in our Skuid Docs bookmarked.
Even after years of building Skuid pages - I refer to it all the time to make sure I’ve got the capitalization right, or the specific keywords right.

That worked! Thank you so much.