Form Column Gutter does not work

Defect/Issue Description:
Column gutter stops working once the form component is a child of another component. Especially, column gutter for column set within a column.


  • API Version: v2
  • Release: Chicago
  • Release version: Chicago 14.4.7
  • Platform: Salesforce

Brief Summary of the Defect/Issue:
Column gutter stops working once the form component is a child of another component. Especially, column gutter for column set within a column.

Action Performed:
Create a form component, add few columns, specify a column gutter. Finally, place the form component inside another component.

Expected Result:
There should be spacing between columns of a form depending on the specified spacing (e.g. 40px).

Actual Result:
The column gutter spacing is ignored.

Additional Resources:

<skuid__page unsavedchangeswarning="yes" personalizationmode="server" showsidebar="true" showheader="true">
		<model id="UIModel1" limit="20" query="true" createrowifnonefound="true" datasource="Ui-Only">
				<field id="NewField1" displaytype="TEXT" length="255"/>
		<skuid__deck columnGutter=".75em" rowGutter=".75em" model="UIModel1" showSaveCancel="false" verticalAlign="top" minWidth="350px" uniqueid="sk-23_2-34400">
				<skuid__form showErrorsInline="true" model="UIModel1" uniqueid="sk-23zl-20939" mode="edit">
								<section title="New Section" showHeading="false">
										<columns columnGutter="150px">
											<column behavior="flex" ratio="1" width="200px" verticalAlign="top" minWidth="100px">
													<section title="New Section" showHeading="false">
															<skuid__field id="NewField1" uniqueId="sk-23zl-20940"/>
											<column behavior="flex" ratio="1" width="200px" verticalAlign="top" minWidth="100px">
													<section title="New Section" showHeading="false">
															<skuid__field id="NewField1" uniqueId="sk-23zl-20941"/>
											<column behavior="flex" ratio="1" width="200px" verticalAlign="top" minWidth="100px">
													<section title="New Section" showHeading="false">
															<skuid__field id="NewField1" uniqueId="sk-23zl-20942"/>
			<filtering enableSearch="false"/>
			<sorting enable="false"/>
		<skuid__accordion uniqueid="sk-23zi-20011">
				<section title="Column set within Column Set">
						<skuid__form showErrorsInline="true" model="UIModel1" uniqueid="sk-23zK-9732" mode="edit">
										<section title="New Section" showHeading="false">
												<columns columnGutter="233px">
													<column behavior="flex" ratio="1" width="200px" verticalAlign="top" minWidth="100px">
															<section title="New Section" showHeading="false">
																	<skuid__field id="NewField1" uniqueId="sk-23zV-16323"/>
													<column behavior="flex" ratio="1" width="200px" verticalAlign="top" minWidth="100px">
															<section title="New Section" showHeading="false">
																	<skuid__field id="NewField1" uniqueId="sk-23zW-16894"/>
													<column behavior="flex" ratio="1" width="200px" verticalAlign="top" minWidth="100px">
															<section title="New Section" showHeading="false">
																	<skuid__field id="NewField1" uniqueId="sk-23zX-17464"/>
													<column behavior="flex" ratio="1" width="200px" verticalAlign="top" minWidth="100px">
															<section title="New Section" showHeading="false">
																	<skuid__field id="NewField1" uniqueId="sk-23zw-27031"/>
													<column behavior="flex" ratio="1" width="200px" verticalAlign="top" minWidth="100px">
															<section title="New Section" showHeading="false">
																	<skuid__field id="NewField1" uniqueId="sk-23zx-27691"/>
													<column behavior="flex" ratio="1" width="200px" verticalAlign="top" minWidth="100px">
															<section title="New Section" showHeading="false">
													<column behavior="flex" ratio="1" width="200px" verticalAlign="top" minWidth="100px">
															<section title="New Section" showHeading="false">
		<styleitem type="background" bgtype="none"/>

Hi @lukaspovilonis, thanks for reporting this issue. This will be fixed in a forthcoming release. We will follow up here when the fix is available.

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Hi @lukaspovilonis!

Thank you for your patience! Skuid has fixed the issue you raised regarding the Form Column Gutter (DSC-3182) in the new 14.4.9 release which is now available on the Skuid Releases page.

Best practices for upgrading can be found in Upgrading Skuid on Salesforce. As a reminder, Salesforce does NOT allow reverting back to prior versions of managed packages. Skuid always recommends installing new versions in a non-business critical sandbox environment to test all mission critical functionality before installing into a production environment. We also recommend that you update out of date themes and design systems after you upgrade. Please let us know if you continue to encounter any problems with this issue after upgrading.

Thanks again for alerting us of this issue!

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