DSS Not showing in Production after deploying Static Resource

I deployed my DSS as a static resource from a sandbox to production. I see the static resource in production but I’m not seeing the new DSS item on DSS list within the SKUID app.
What did I miss?

The Design System uses a custom setting record to provide the metadata necessary for the list view. I think you should be able to create that custom setting record manually in your production environment. Its in the “Theme” custom setting list. (A nod to what we called these visual configuration files in our V1 api). Find the setting record for another one of your design system records and replicate it. That should take care of your problem.

The custom setting record makes automated deployment, or change set deployment difficult. But fortunately - once you get the Design System into your production environment correctly the first time, all subsequent changes can be deployed just by updating the Static Resource - which can be deployed with change sets or other tooling.

Hope this helps.