Custom Metadata - A better way to manage Skuid page/pageassignment/etc. migrations?

Hey Matt -

Appreciate the pictures, helpful to better understand, thank you!  The one thing I learned from working with SFDC is that managing “source” is extremely challenging and ripe for failure.  You do need to be meticulous in the way that you manage things and unfortunately, the tools available today just aren’t what they need to be.  The introduction of skuid-grunt was very helpful and moved the needle forward but challenges still are present with SFDC metadata and its limitations as well as skuid resources.  In short, as much as SFDC wants everyone to believe that it’s an “enterprise development” platform, in my opinion it’s not.  The tooling just isn’t there - although it’s come a long way in the last year (e.g. VS Code extension, SFDC DX, etc.) and hopefully will continue to get better.

1) Can you provide some specifics on what challenges you’re having with merging metadata?  One thing I’ve noticed in the past (although it’s been quite a while) is that if you don’t keep your sandboxes in sync then merges become much more difficult especially around “SFDC Upgrade” time when new features/metadata gets introduced to the orgs.

2) For the automation you do/did have in place, looping through customers, what challenges or opportunities for failure were you facing?

Thanks Bill, all makes sense and agreed - there “should” be a better way :slight_smile:

Hey Pat -

Thanks for this, very helpful.  A few thoughts:

1) Your approach seems risky unless you are very careful about which pages you are modifying in each feature.  For example, what do you do when “Feature A” and “Feature B” are worked on simultaneously and both need to modify “Page ABC”?  Using page packs would make this very difficult to merge properly.

2) You mentioned each page pack has its own “module” name.  Did you mean Skuid “Module”?  If so, how do you reconcile these upon merge to CI/UAT/etc?  In other words, if Feature A gets a module name of “Feature A” then all pages will be in that Module.  What if this feature needs to modify a page that already exists in a different module?  Or what if this feature is creating a new master page or shared page of some type that another feature at some point needs?  Do the pages remain in Feature A Module? 

3) If you were to use the CLI (I understand you don’t want to so just humor me :)), do you think there would be other challenges you’d face if you just swapped in CLI to your process instead of page packs?

4) With your current process, what challenges are you facing specifically?

Never responded to this.

We’ve settled on working on Skuid pages one at a time.

I see challenges in using CLI since most of the developers i work with aren’t coding developers. They never use CLI. They are declarative developers like myself. The Gearset UX is way way easier to learn and execute on.

Page packs are required in order to get the pages into other orgs via source control. Do Skuid Grunt or Skuid CLI tools alleviate this? If so how?

Hey Pat - Yes, Skuid CLI (or Grunt) provide a mechanism to handle individual pages and pull/push to any org.  After “pulling” the pages from the org, you use your VCS of choice to commit them to source control.  See the readme at for more details on how to use.

I guess what I’m missing is an understanding of being able to view the Skuid page XML as metadata so we can commit, review and merge changes to the page. Such as adding an action to a button. Right now, the only thing I see options for is to replace the page in it’s entirety.

When you “pull” (using Skuid CLI), it will grab the latest XML for the specified resources from the org and place a copy of those on your file system.  As you mention, this will “replace” the copy that you currently have on your file system.  You can then view the XML with any editor (e.g. VS Code, Eclipse, notepad++, vi, etc.) When you commit those changes (typically via a Pull Request if using GIT), you’ll need to merge them.  The “merge” is the same process that would be needed for any type of source controlled file (e.g. sfdc metadata files, js files, etc.).

Yup. Still not clear for me. Is this process going to allow the XML of the page to be updated in the merge? Will the dif show the that on line 68 the URL parameter was changed from “Id” to “id”? If so, what’s the process to subsequently deploy the page from source control to a Salesforce org? As a page pack it goes in with a change set or a deployment in Gearset. Final step would be to unpack the page.

Yes, the diff would show each character/line that changed from what’s in your VCS to what’s being proposed to being committed.  

Deployment to an org would come via an automated release process that uses the CLI.

I’m not familiar with Gearset so not familiar with how it works.  Assuming Gearset uses the local file system to manage pushes/pulls to your org, using the CLI should be no different than managing SFDC metadata or the page packs.  If GearSet doesn’t use the local file system (or doesn’t at least provide the option to use the local file system), then CLI might not be an option.

 If you’re managing your page packs such that each pack contains 1 and only 1 page, then using the CLI won’t buy you much other than alleviating having to manually create packs for each page. 

My best advice here is to try it and see if it yields the results you’re after :slight_smile:

Ok. Seems like everything desired is achieved when deploying from a local system w/ Skuid CLI?

I already know that local file system and CLI is a barrier of entry for most declarative developers. We’re declarative because we don’t like to go deeper into the weeds unless it’s easy. :wink:

So everything except easy.

I’ll leave to you to decide if everything is achieved when deploying from local system w/ Skuid CLI since you know your requirements best :)  Without knowing how GearSet works, I can’t be sure but it’s possible you can leverage whatever the process is that GearSet uses and invoke a CLI command from that process.

Regarding not liking to go deeper into the weeds “unless it’s easy” - I’d challenge you on that :)  I recall a time a while back when you dug in to javascript and Skuid API despite no prior knowledge of JS and, unlike using a CLI tool, involved actual coding.  Just like everything else, there’s what you can do out of the box declaratively but to really harness the “power”, sometimes you need to jump in to the deep end.  :slight_smile:

I’m not too worried about me. It’s everyone else I typically work with.

Even the other folks you work with can handle the command line. It’s really just memorizing (or keeping a list) of 1/2 a dozen commands. The CLI may feel intimidating at first (it certainly did to me, I avoided it for a long time), but in the end I’ve found it to be much easier to work with than any of the graphic tools.

For you team to learn “when I finish making changes to my page, i go to the little black box and type ‘skuid-pull’” is not really any harder than learning to build a page pack, right?

I’m not too worried about the ability to use Skuid CLI in a bubble. It’s more about getting users who’ve never used VCS of any kind to know how to do git on a local machine to begin with. This is/was especially significant when the project timeline allowed for only 2 weeks to get Agile Development, SDLC and VCS up and running.

My desire is to get VCS integration done declaratively. Like Skuid. :wink:
