Custom Field Renderer - To do Simple Calculations

Ahhh!!! I am figuring it out!!

Happy Happy!

To style the div I just added another variable that concatenated a string with my html styling with my variable (MathValue). And then changed my mergeRow to call the “text” variable. Somthing like this:

var text = "<div class='nx-pagetitle-subtitle'> License MRR </div><div class = 'nx-pagetitle-maintitle'>$" + MathValue +"</div></div>"; element.append( m.mergeRow(row,text)

The classes referred to there are standard Skuid CSS classes, but of course you can define your own classes (which I assume you did for the template fields). Reuse those classes here and your custom item will match your template output and only you will know the difference.

Wow - I am getting really close here! I feel like I’m on a treasure hunt. While I’ve figured out how to alter the style of the MathValue by creating another variable that turns the number into text (and then putting that inside of a div) - I am getting hung up (and breaking the page) when I try to include other css that stylizes the container for the text. I imagine this is because all that code is working (so well!) on the text value and doesn’t know how to affect anything outside of those characters. What if I want that perfectly formatted MathValue/text to live inside of a cool blue box that looks like this (where the 1927 is the MathValue/text): Here is the code that I hoped would work: skuid.componentType.register(‘AggregateAssetValue’, function(element) { var $ = skuid.$; var m = skuid.model.getModel(‘AssetValue’); var row = m.getFirstRow(); var field = row.assetValueSum; var MathValue = (field / 1000).toFixed(0); var text = " " + MathValue + " some words ($k)"; element.append( m.mergeRow(row,text) }); Here is the related CSS, stored as a static resource: .infoContainer{ height: 130px; width: 210px; margin-bottom: 27px; text-align: center; display: table; } .infoGraphic{ background-color: #3cb2e1; color: #fff; display: table-cell; vertical-align: middle; cursor: pointer; } .bigNumber{ font-size: 60px; } .infoText{ font-size: 14px; }

Try putting all the text in the “var text” defininition on one line.   I know it makes it ugly - but it is the only think I can see that is different than what I have done. 


I’ve never seen so many explanations marks in the forum before.  That’s amazing. 

We’re really glad you are doing the happy dance…

These kinds of things make me very happy.

I have an aggregate model that sums two fields…Field A & Field B…I would like to have a custom field (Field C) that displays Field B as a percentage of Field A… Field A (100) Field B (10) Field C (10%) Is it possible to leverage a Javascript component tied to an inline resource…to perform the calculation? Thank you

Follow the instructions I gave Kaede above,  ensure you pull in both field A and field B as different variables  (var FieldB = row.FIELDNAME ) 
Then the MathValue line is where you would perform the calculation that produces Field C that you display. 

This works for showing the value in a custom component.   If you want this value to display in a table or field editor use a custom renderer similar to what J described at the top of this thread. 

Rob, Are there any tutorials you can point me to? I have created my summary/aggregate table…now I just need to figure out how create my Field C…and get it to display in my summary/aggregate table Field A (100) Field B (10) Field C (10%). So in order to create Field C…I would need to use Javascript in an In-Line (snippet)…not sure what my javascript code should look like…and I’m not sure how to drag/drop the Custom Snippet field onto my table (once I figure out the javascript)… I really appreciate any help…If I’m able to get this working…this would be extremely helpful… Thank you guys for any help…and have a great weekend.

Thanks again for any advice. I’m trying to understand…the steps for adding a Custom Field (Field C)…to my aggregate table. I do not believe the Template component will allow me to calculate…and I’m not able to drag a Custom component into my aggregate table… thanks

I’m having the same issue, how can I create a new field and add it to a table via JavaScript?

Moshe - are you simply trying to display some calculation to the user in the interface?  Or are you trying to actually create a field and store values for that field back into the database?   The first one is pretty trivial (J explains it pretty well above)  the second may take some further doing. 

I actually got a simple division working with J’s code. I’m dividing Total by Volume to get a field called Rate. It’s kind of a hack, but the only way I got this to work, is to add the Volume field to the table again, and then overwrite the label to be Rate, and use the Custom Field renderer to display the Math under the “Rate” field. My current issue, is how can I do this in a table, because for some reason it’s populating all the Rate fields, with the first Row in the table because I’m only selecting the first row. var field = arguments[0]; var InvoiceLineItems = skuid.model.getModel(“InvoiceLineItems”); var currentRecord = InvoiceLineItems.getFirstRow(); var volume = currentRecord.Volume__c; var netTotal = currentRecord.c2g__NetValue__c; var value = netTotal/volume; skuid.ui.fieldRenderers.TEXTfield.mode; So I tried using a jQuery each, like so: var $ = skuid.$; var field = arguments[0]; var SalesInvoice = skuid.model.getModel(“SalesInvoice”); $.each(, function(i, row){ var total = row.c2g__InvoiceTotal__c; var volume = row.Volume__c; var value = total/volume skuid.ui.fieldRenderers.TEXT[field.mode](field, value.toFixed(5)); }); but I’m getting NaN displayed in every row, because “value” is null, any ideas?

Sorry here’s my updated code: var $ = skuid.$; var field = arguments[0]; var SalesInvoice = skuid.model.getModel(“SalesInvoice”); $.each(, function(i, row){ var total = row.c2g__InvoiceTotal__c; var volume = row.Metered_Volume__c; var value = 0; if (volume !== 0){ value = total/volume; } skuid.ui.fieldRenderers.TEXT[field.mode](field, value.toFixed(5)); }); I’m getting ‘0’ as Rate in every row. Remember that the actual name of the Rate field is also Metered_Volume__c, it’s just overwritten with a custom label. Could that be interfering with the math?

What I’m trying to ask, is, can I use a field renderer, to do some math, and run separately on every row in the table or not?

Moshe: I appologize.  I thought I answered your question yesterday and now I see no evidence of my reply.  It must have gotten lost in the ether of the internet.  Dang!

You can absolutely do a field rendered that does math separately on every row in a table. 

The snippent brings with it two arguments,  0 is the field and 1 is the Value for the field you selected from your model. 
But the Field argument has a row extension.  This can be traversed to bring in data from other fields that are on that row.  Code might look like this: 

var field = arguments[0]; var value1 = arguments[1]; var row = field.row; var value2 = row.FieldName;

For a specific row in the table, value1 will be the field you selected from the model,  and value2 will be the secondary field you want to interact with.  Both values will be specific to the row of the table.   From there it would be trivial to do somthing like

value = value1/value2;<br>skuid.ui.fieldRenderers.DOUBLE[field.mode](field, value.toFixed(2));&nbsp;<br>

Hope this helps. 

Yes! Thanks.