connecting objects

OK - i deleted that field.  when i pasted it before, i was thinking it was my create date on my claim object.

My lookups (or i’m not getting the child/parent object stuff right) are still wrong though.  ;-(

This table is now using the patient events object.  The date of service and patient event num are on the patient events.  the next 6 fields are on the payments object (i.e. Payment__r.Insurance_Provider__c) and the created date is on the claims object (Claim__r.CreatedDate).  I’m not seeing the error for these fields that i last posted to you and am seeing the fields and object to select them, but it’s still wrong since i’m not getting data.  

On the patient event object, i have the master / detail for payments (it’s a managed field) and i created a lookup for the claims…

I should be using the patient events object, yes?  I think that’s we agreed on above…

This shows my parent is patient event and my child is claim, right?  So, my lookup field is going from child to parent…

Thanks Matt!