Apex heap size limit error when no data fits model criteria

I have a model (well a few models) powering a Skuid page. As long as I have a record that fits my model criteria, everything works as expected. However, if no records meet my primary model’s criteria, I get an Apex Heap Size Limit error.

Any advice on pinpointing the problem or solving it entirely would be greatly appreciated!

Some model conditions have a setting of “if no rows in source model, deactivate condition” or something along those lines. If you only have one condition on a model and it gets deactivated due to this setting, the model will try to load all records up to the record limit you are setting.
My guess is that you have a second model that is conditioned on the model you are questioning. So when this model doesn’t return rows, the other model’s condition is being deactivated and that second model is then trying to bring in all rows.

Yup - what the Skuidward said… That’s where I’d start.

Thanks Rob, I’ll give the advice a go and report back…

Thanks ST! I’ll let you know how it goes

Solved it - thank you! For anyone else, this is in Condition under the Model, then you click on the ‘value’ section and you’ll find the setting for ‘If no row in source model, then…’ and you select ‘Abort this model’s query’.