Add "Contains" operator to formula fields

Would like to see a “CONTAINS” operator added to formula operators. This would behave similar to:


and would return TRUE/FALSE

Thank you!

Same functionality as this?


This is on our near-term roadmap.

Awesome news, thanks for the insight Zach!

This has been implemented as of Banzai Update 6 Patch 4, now available from the Skuid Releases page.

The following Formula Operators have been added that help with string / text operations:

 - CONTAINS(stringToExamine,stringToLookFor) — returns true/false
 - ENDS_WITH(stringToExamine,stringToLookFor)  — returns true/false
 - STARTS_WITH(stringToExamine,stringToLookFor) — returns true/false
 - LEFT(stringToExamine,numCharacters) — returns a substring of stringToExamine starting from the left and going numCharacters to the right
 - RIGHT(stringToExamine,numCharacters) — returns a substring of stringToExamine starting from the right and going numCharacters to the left


Awesome news, thank you!  A VERY welcomed addition!