Dynamic header other than Field Label in model.exportData()

There’s a setting on the exportData function “useAPINamesForHeaders” which you can set to false, that helps a lot and may be all you need in some instances.

The following also allows you to change the value for certain fields:

/* include out all your fields one by one, it may be possible to instead pull in all model fields via model.getFields() */

var fieldsToUse = [






/* bring in your model */

var model = skuid.$M(‘yourModelName’);

/* map all the fields you listed in the above array to actual field objects from your model. you could probably skip the above set fieldsToUse with model.getFields() or something */

var fieldsWithCorrectLabels = $.map(fieldsToUse, function (v) {

        var actualField = model.getField(v);

/* helpful to make sure you know what field ids you’re getting */



/* for any field that you want to change, use an if statement based on the field id*/

if (actualField.id === ‘Account__r.Name’){

return {

    id: actualField.id,

    name: actualField.name,

    label: 'Company Name'



/* for all other fields, use the Salesforce label as your column header */

else {

    return {

    id: actualField.id,

    name: actualField.name,

    label: actualField.label




/* export data, your fields array is the result of the above */


        fields: fieldsWithCorrectLabels,

        doNotAppendRowIdColumn: true,

        useAPINamesForHeaders: false
