calculate the sum of averages across multiple records that have multiple variables in common

Hey @Smdrich

  • , it seems like there are a few ways you may be able to accomplish this in Skuid depending on what exactly you want (e.g. how specific your criteria are and how scalable it needs to be)

    You can get the Place averages using aggregate models:

    Aggregate model on race results where there’s an average on place, grouped by Event

  • Aggregate model on race results where there's an average on place, grouped by Location
  • Aggregate model where there's an average on place, grouped by Special
  • Summing those aggregations based on specific criteria may be trickier - do you want to report on all possible combinations of event location and class or just a few?

    Just a few: Create an aggregate model for each possible combination, e.g.

    Aggregate model on race results where there’s an average on place, grouped by Event with condition “Event = Village, Location=Upper, Class=Special”

  • Then have a table on this model with a SUM column summary on the Average field...

I know this only gets you the first part of what you want with Ui only formula fields you may be able to SUM of model lookups…

Eventually you may have to get into Javascript here.

Skuid documentation:

Aggregate Models :

UI Only Formula Fields: