SKUID V2 - Table Bugs and Missing Features

Hi Anna,

Thank you once again for your time.

We found that if you sent the Rich Text model to the model which is updated last (in this case UIModel2), Global Merge Variables in the rich text field will update as expected.

As you said that worked.

With this one, if the row exists on page load, global merge syntax will work in the table header. Can you share more about your use case here?

Essentially, there is a Year Filter on YearModel (Allows users to select 2020, 2019, etc.), based on the filter I retrieve data for current year and previous, adjust it, push to TableModel and the data is displayed. The table header has to contain the the years for clarity. Due to it being dynamic the model will not have the row on page load.

As a workaround, you can use global merge syntax here. The form Section headers do respect local merge syntax.

Merge syntax (local and global) worked for section header, but neither worked for field headings. Also, it would be better if form fields worked with local merge syntax as I use forms in decks.

