[13.0.7] How to access components and its properties?

  1. Hi Anna,

    Another two use cases have came up:

    I need to rerender picklist choices, where the picklist itself is created using custom field renderer. If the picklist options are based on another model, when that model is updated then the picklist’s options are rerendered automatically by Skuid. Though, in my case the options are based on JS Snippet and I might need to rerender either due to another model update, user choosing an option from a different picklist or button click.

  2. A user can submit a questionnaire by a click of a button, after the questionnaire has been submitted the user shouldn't be able to edit it anymore. Hence, I need to rerender form fields, custom form fields, buttons, custom buttons

Unfortunately running action sequence to show/hide component doesn’t actually reconstruct the component as it did in v1 (and that’s what I’m looking for), instead it feels like it just changes hide/show attribute on HTML tag.

Your help is much appreciated.

