Get Array with no fieldId

When I found this post I thought that I would be able to make some progress getting my API response call working also for the arrays included in the payload, but no luck for me…I would truly appreciate some guidance in how I can accomplish the similar as this original post.

My data set has the array(s) of values without field name, similar to the original post, but they are nested in the payload and I cannot seem to retrieve the values. My understanding is that the dot notation (e.g. items.wmuauthors) ought to work to traverse in the hierarchy and be able to get these values a key/pair and turned into an object easier to deal with in Skuid (as Zach pointed out above).

My json response looks like the following:

    "items": [
            "_archived": false,
            "_draft": false,
            "type": "77e1eaa40d1e6790e1b0649ea83725ea",
            "nameselectedtype": "Combustion and Flame",
            "pages": "466-483",
            "publicationid": "5f76cf2aef4962adf046a86f",
            "authors": "A. Schönborn, MD Le, R Fournet, PA Glaude, V Warth, B Sirjean",
            "name": "Auto-ignition control using an additive with adaptable chemical structure. Part I: Development of a kinetic model for 1, 3-cyclohexadiene and 1, 3, 5-hexatriene combustion",
            "volume": "205",
            "slug": "auto-ignition-control-using-an-additive-with-adaptable-chemical-structure",
            "wmuauthors": [
            "updated-on": "2020-11-12T16:42:50.369Z",
            "updated-by": "Person_5d89d941ecc118d157384ca7",
            "created-on": "2020-11-11T14:25:42.586Z",
            "created-by": "Person_5d89d941ecc118d157384ca7",
            "published-on": "2020-11-12T16:42:50.369Z",
            "published-by": "Person_5d89d941ecc118d157384ca7",
            "createdby": "5f86563d1eeace2166c69ffe",
            "publisheddate": "2020-11-10T14:26:00.000Z",
            "rpas": [
            "tenure": "08c86bccc8851822db487e2acaeb5d07",
            "unsdgs": [
            "_cid": "5f97ef75ea6b048053ecfe68",
            "_id": "5fabf46699b8c34d93b0a834"
            and 9 more publications in between...
"count": 10,
"limit": 100,
"offset": 0,
"total": 10
Below is my code in the simplest form (I want all values into a Skuid Model, but keeping it as simple as possible initially and expand when I get this working.) 
var params = arguments[0],
$ = skuid.$;
//grab the response body - this is what Skuid will use to build your records on this GET request
var responseBody = params.response.body;

var wmuauthors = responseBody.wmuauthors;
//console list "Undefined" - data set comprises of 10 records, all with values in wmuauthors

//thus the following loop does not get started, "TypeError: Cannot read property 'length' of undefined"
for (var i = 0; i<wmuauthors.length; i++){
        wmuauthors[i] = {"authorId" : wmuauthors[i]};
return wmuauthors;

Worth pointing out is that I have “path to content” defined to items and the following gets displayed in the console when commenting out console.log(responseBody).

I am no javascript guru (regrettably)…and after spending alot of time trying to make some progress it was time to ask the community…