required fields missing message when saving

Hi Eva,

To be clear, required fields will only be evaluated upon saving the model. If you have a step that does not have an action to save the specific model, the required field will not be evaluated. It is strange the validation works upon save in the first step, but not the subsequent ones.

Have you checked for any unintended model actions or other rogue actions that might be applying/updating a value on this field?

Are you by chance saving the model as soon as the page loads? This is a rare use case but if so, the save may be taking place before the component is loaded, which triggers the validation. Skuid will only evaluate fields that have unsaved changes so if you are saving the model on page load (before the component loads), you can try adding an action to update the field to blank right after saving. This would cause the field to be in an “unsaved” state and would trigger the validation.

If you have a simple page showing this problem, you might share the XML here to get extra eyes on it.