@lukaspovilonis , good news! A few of the issues you reported have been fixed, and are available in our latest version of skuid-sfdx:

The specific issues resolved that you reported are:

  1. Longer XML get also cut off when I push (i can see that lines are missing).

  2. When pulling, XML of SKUID page gets messed up or at least JS Snippets. I noticed that JS Snippets gets squished into one line and that probably messes up syntax somehow. (Not always, but) most of the time I get an unexpected token error message.

I believe it’s possible that #1 from your original post is actually related to #2, so that may be resolved as well. You will have to test the update to verify.

To update to the latest version, run sfdx plugins:update on your machine. Once that’s done, you can run sfdx plugins to view the list of plugins, and make sure skuid-sfdx is now on 0.4.0.

If you have any problems with the update, please let us know! Hope that resolves your issues.
