SKUID V2 - Table Bugs and Missing Features

  1. The bold was just an example, the main use would be using merge syntax to create dynamic name, or HTML to split up the line.
  2. Main use: table rows act as the header, and then the drawer has the content, so there is no need for actual header.
  3. Thank you.
  4. Awesome, is that in the next update, when will that be coming out?
  5. It’s the fastest and best way to test JS functions. before i could just call them (e.g. testFunc(arg1, arg2…), and this would run the function). It’s useful if I need to do iterative (with slight change) testing (as I could also override them from console). Or, especially useful when the function is async and might produce error messages which if they are not called directly (from console) then they won’t be shown.

Two additional questions
6. Is support for CSS getting added any time soon? It’s used for everything, it might be minor changes or more precise control (instead of 4 or 8px), or making use of attributes options (e.g. no-wrap for responsive grid).
7. Form, when fields are not rendered (due to render conditions) in a row then they create an empty div and mess up the layout, will that be fixed?

Thank you,