Odd error new row when field used in condition is not in model (Skuid 12.4.9)

Thanks Pat. This issue affects versions 12.4.9+ in situations where you have a condition on a reference fields but the field is not included in the model.


  • Include the condition field in the model. OR

  • Set the condition to filterable.

What changed:

  • Performance enhancements in 12.4.9 keep Skuid from making unnecessary metadata queries. This means if a field with “expensive metadata” like a reference field is used in a non-filterable condition and the field is not included in the model, its metadata won’t be queried.

This issue has been logged in our tracking system so the devs are aware of it. Let me know the level of impact for your implementation(s) from 5 (low impact) to 1 (critical impact). This will help in terms of prioritizing the issue.