impairment of site guest user upload due to secruity updates with salesforce spring 20 release

Kevin, thanks for being one of the one to bring this issue to our attention. You can see the latest update from Skuid in the public announcement Salesforce’s Spring ‘20 Release: Changes regarding guest users starting March 1, 2020.  


  • The Skuid Product Engineering team is working on a product change to restore the ability for Guest Users to use Skuid’s File Upload component to upload attachments to records. This change will be available in 11.2.30 and 12.2.14. 
  • If your guest users need to access records they have created, this should be handled sharing rules, Apex, or Flows.  
  • For more details, please see this article on how Salesforce recommends that customers write Apex to work outside of the security model you have configured for your Org.