Problem initializing a component of type skuid__labelInput

Thank you for the details. Sounds good that you could narrow down the issue already. I couldn’t reproduce the issue, based on the details we know by now.
Since it looks like you aren’t using the meta data override, nor using Skuid’s “Custom Label” in the Form field options, but still get a label error, please check the following:

  • I'm wondering how your "Field Label" in the Salesforce setup looks like (where you set Field Name and Field Label in the custom field settings)?
  • Please also check in Salesforce Field settings the "Help Text" of the field "Care_Plan_Substatus_Reason__c", what does it contain?
  • If you compare Salesforce settings of the Fields "Care_Plan_Substatus_Reason__c" and "Care_Plan_Substatus_Reason_Other__c", do you find any helpful difference?
I'm testing in version 12.2.8 and I added a custom field called "Care_Plan_Substatus_Reason" to my Cases object in Salesforce, so that my XML looks similar to yours, but it works fine:
<skuid__form showErrorsInline="true" model="Cases" uniqueid="sk-3z6o-2898" mode="edit">
<section title="New Section">
<skuid__field id="Status"/>
<skuid__field id="Care_Plan_Substatus_Reason__c" showHelp="true"/>