Determine if a record in a model is read only

John, unfortunately this information is not easy for Skuid to access, which is why we don’t provide this out of the box. The information you’re looking for is not available from the user’s Profile / Schema information, it comes from the Sharing model. Raymond is on the right track with how this information could be obtained, the object you would have to query is UserRecordAccess (, but it would be fairly messy, as you said, trying to query this for all records that are visible in your table, and would have to be requeried when you filter / search, etc. It’s not impossible, but the added complexity, and the added SOQL query that Skuid would have to make behind the scenes, is why Skuid doesn’t provide this functionality out of the box right now. It’s possible that you could implement this yourself, but again, it’d be messy.