Export from a table using snippet that uses table columns as export rows? Also only visible column

Thanks for the assistance Jack,

When I do that test to see how to translate the fields I can’t get it to output anything whether I use the field alias or the field ID.


Field Alias: ‘YearMonth’
Field ID: ‘AccountingPeriod__r.Name’

I’ve also built a non-aggregate model and made sure the model has rows in it. It also is exporting a blank CSV when I run this snippet:

var params = arguments[0],
$ = skuid.$;
var model = skuid.$M(‘TestQuery’);
var fields = [

    fields: fields,
    doNotAppendRowIdColumn: true,
    useAPINamesForHeaders: false    });

Why am I not getting model data? The model is processing client side and is fully loaded when I press the button to run the snippet.