Row Action Drop-Down List


This solution was put place a while ago, but it’s based on a predictable DOM structure to operate correctly.  If you’re on a different Skuid version or there’s another variable at play, like Lightning, you’ll need to find out where the HTML path is different from what the script expects and make appropriate adjustments.  There are some examples in this post on troubleshooting this.

Just to be clear, reliance on DOM consistency is not a great approach for scaleable solutions -  I’t’s better work directly with the API methods that are more consistent and supported long term.  Any SaaS based solution is subject to modify the DOM as they release innovations and adjustments to their platform(s).

Also, Skuid has incorporated some nice usability improvements in V2 pages that leverage a similar drop down menu for row actions,which is an out of the box capability for Spark.  I’d definitely check this out if you’re in a position to leverage Spark.