matrix table/report

There are two ways to get some of those matrix features in Skuid today. 

1. Use decks and context to move data into columns.   This works for things like tasks by day.   
A first model provides all day values (a UI only model,  or an aggregate model on an object guaranteed to have values for all days).  Then a deck on the task model uses context to show data in the right “day” column.   Adjust the card size (and padding) so that all days fit on one line and don’t wrap.  Use a second master model if you want to have a vertical dimension (say owner or category). 

2. Use a template grid.   If your data is static . (like opportunities by quarter) and you can make an aggregate model that guarantees data will always be in the same row - you can use global merge syntax in a template to push data into the appropriate position.  If your model guarantees that row 1 will be Q1, row 2 will be Q2 etc - then use syntax like {{$}} to put the Q2 data in the right column. 

Neither of these are as flexible as Nikolas Krutchen’s js plugin,  but we’ve had uneven results trying to get that to work in Skuid.  Ann our examples are currently busted. 

Have fun.