Spark parity with existing Millau functionality? Ongoing list

Just wanted to chime in on the CSS - I hear you on the upgrade issues, however, there have been times where elements don’t exist in the theme builder yet need to be styled.  Some of these are major issues that have to be addressed - and we can’t necessarily wait for the theme editor to be re-worked in an upcoming release.  I also understand that you have a long list and can’t possibly do everything.

 I am not using Spark yet, but was one of the early Lightning movers - so we are using a custom Lightning based theme (copied from the Skuid lightning theme.)  I took a look at the custom CSS on my theme, and it was all to fill gaps in the original Lightning theme:

  • The navigation component lacked any CSS or styling, with no way to adjust in the theme builder
  • Boolean checkboxes show large in some browsers, causing fields to mis-align
  • Tables with required fields in edit mode lacked the red border so the user had no way of knowing the field was required
  • The Date picker was cut off (width) and the user couldn’t see the whole month
  • Field editor picklists drop down elements didn’t match (text, background)

I believe most if not all have since been fixed in patch releases, and if I was more proactive I would have gone back and confirmed and removed the custom css.  But my point is I was able to resolve the issue with a few lines of CSS that applied instantly to 100s of skuid pages and not have to live with it until a patch fix was released.

PS -  I’d also like a button width controller.  Many times I have stuck a button in a grid just to control its width.