Spark parity with existing Millau functionality? Ongoing list

Hi Andrew, 

Thanks for the quick and detailed response! I do have some concerns and will try and keep them brief. 

Custom CSS in design system and/or skuid pages
This is a bummer to hear. I ended up loading a blank v1 page in Lightning that contained my custom CSS. Do you see any concern in doing this? 

Form option to display field labels next to field (vs. above)
While I agree with the points you’ve made, ultimately I think Skuid has made a widly  bold decision without fully vetting (maybe?) the impact it has on Enterprise companies. For example, we (Workday) have hundreds of fields on certain object page layouts. When labels are above the fields the whitespace/usability becomes out of control.

I think the most prominent “case and point” example is that of salesforce implementing compact lightning page density because of the backlash they’ve received on the comfy layout (labels above fields). Labels above fields just don’t work at scale.

It’s also worth noting that Salesforce converts labels that are beside fields to labels above fields when the screen shrinks. Can Skuid not do the same? 

Required field red border? Cant find any styling for the required fields

Somewhat agree. But I think this is a decision based on a small percentage of the population suffering from color blindness. It’s definitely worth noting, but “required” text in the field label just wont cut it. 

Table row edit? Is table limited to inline only?
This is very unfortunate to hear. Are there any plans for this to be implemented in the future? This small piece of functionality is so heavily used here and this alone will be the sole factor for us to never move to Spark. I wouldn’t bring this to the table because I know the response I’d here from my stakeholders. 

Min/Max widths on components (button for example)
Example is an a button with label of “Edit” being tiny while sitting next to a button that says “Send for Signature” being much larger. I’ve created some level of consistently with min-width. It’s in line with our Workday product design which I replicate in our pages.