Test lightning with skuid opportunity and related objects

Hi Gregg,
Thank you for looking into this.
Does it mean we can no longer use URL global action link with SF lightning to open SF pages rather than skuid pages in some cases ?
I gave you the example of tasks in my xml but the same issue is visible on all custom objects where we preferred using SF pages instead of skuid  pages using a URL link to open SF pages.
It works very well this way with SF classic but seems no longer working for us in lightning.
When I click on URL link to open SF custom object page from our skuid oppty page it no longer  automatically link the SF custom object page to the oppty.
We have to manually search for the oppty now.
I did try to modify lightning URL link to related object without success. 
We can use popup for all of them probably if no other choice but keeping the way we do for years to click on a URL link to open SF custom page (in lightning now) when we think it is more appropriate would be the preferred option.
Waiting for your guidance maybe on how to keep using URL links in SF lightning and relate SF Custom object pages with skuid page automatically using global actions URL functionality.
Thank you again,