Have certain colors represent certain values in charts

In case it is useful, here is a snippet approach that seems to work for a donut/pie chart:

var chartObj = arguments[0],
$ = skuid.$,
d = chartObj.series[0].data,
c = '';
colors = [];
//for each data item in the first series, //use the name value to set color (c) variable.
$.each(d, function (i,d){ 
    switch(d.name) {
        case "Under Contract": c = '#ff4550'; break;
        case "Underwriting/Offer Pending": c = '#ff941e'; break;
        case "Tracking - A": c = '#085dcc'; break;
        case "Tracking - B": c = '#8abdff'; break;
        case "Tracking - C": c = '#bcebd2'; break;
        case "Closed": c = '#3cce7f'; break;
        case "Offer Not Accepted": c = '#8273fa'; break;
        case "Passed On": c = '#6458bf'; break;
        case "Under Contract w/ 3rd Party": c = '#acacac'; break;
        case "Other": c = '#5f5d5d'; break;   
        default: c = '#5f5d5d';
  //add selected color to array.
//replace the chart colors array
chartObj.colors = colors;