Reload or refresh page include?

Hi team,

We are getting page include object, changing pagename and querystring properties the include object and loading the page include after changing page for the page include.

var $ = skuid.$; // original page of the include
var include = $('#main-include');
var includeObj ='object'); //includeObj.pagename is originally 'shared_task_list'; 
// changing the page include page with task_basics_view; includeObj.pagename = 'task_basics_view'; includeObj.objecttype = ''; includeObj.querystring = ''; includeObj.load();

This is all working fine. However, with recent skuid version (11.2.8) model are not being cleared from previous page; i.e. even after switching page from shared_task_list to task_basics_view and loading the include, we can access model of shared_task_list from the console. Any clue?

Thank you.