image in table row

Bill, I have this working  in a test form.
The model Object Name is Attachment.
The field in the model is Id.
There is a condition on the model: ContentType = image/jpeg [Always On]
The table displays the model, with one column: 
  From the Add Fields dropdown, select Image
  The field properties look exactly like Bill McCullough’s image above
When I preview the page, our photos appear like magic!

What I noticed in the dialog between the Bills is that McCullogh has /servlet/servlet.FileDownload?file={{Id}} in his URL. That is also what I have.  Your table shows Id’s that are associated with the Attachment object, but I don’t see where you tried {{Id}}. I only see {{Photo__r.Id}} and {{Photo__c}}. Have you tried the string that McCullogh provided?

Is there an issue with ContentType? I put the Condition in my page because the Image field was not displaying application/pdf documents.