After updating to Millau existing pages get heap size errors

The heap size error is happening when I try to open certain pages in page builder.

To get into these problem pages to open in the XML view:

  • I open a different page in page builder 
  • Go to the XML view
  • Copy the problem page Id in the URL 
For the problem pages I can only view the XML I can not view the page builder view. Prior to the update all of these pages opened in page builder.  

I have found 3 pages that have these issues so far, what stinks is these are some of our most important pages. 

I have tried pairing down one of the problem pages but it still doesn’t load.

I am wondering how big is too big? Is there a max size for a page builder to load? Also, are there any changes in Millau regarding how page builder loads?

Thanks for all your help.