Sharepoint Auth Issue

Hey Dan,

Couple of things to update and test. The items below are “in addition” to the Skuid docs.

App Permissions Section

You have already granted permissions for the new “SharePoint App” to access the top level site’s lists and libraries. Now we want to grant permissions for the new “SharePoint App” to access a specific sub-site’s lists and libraries (Team Site). Again, use appregnew.aspx in that site’s path.

Navigate to

Repeat same steps as with the top level site’s lists and libraries.

Note: you may want to change the Permission Request XML. Valid options are Read, Write, Manage and Full Control.

<AppPermissionRequest Scope=“http://sharepoint/content/sitecollectionRight=“Manage”/>

Let’s move to the data source configuration for Sharepoint and edit the one you have already created.

Update the “URL / Endpoint”:

Sub-site - collection:

Then click the “Refresh Metadata” button. May take a few minutes.

Let me know your results.
