SOQL in a snippet

Hi Osman,

Thanks for that. Unfortunately I can’t use a visualforce page as this Skuid page is embedded in a custom Lightning Component and there is a lot of event communication between the skuid page and the lightning component. We also don’t want to use visualforce pages on this project.

I’ve solved my immediate issue with loading all the data on the page by building our own lightweight pagination solution. All the data (~5000 records) is pulled into the page and then the pagination just displays a page of those records at a time with previous/next controls (previously the pagination would first render all records and then following this would generate the pagination and re-render which was proving expensive in the browser). Out custom pagination seems to be working okay but it would be better if we could just dynamically query a range of records via SOQL. Are their plans to incorporate skuid.sfdc.api.query into Lightning? We might then be able to build a solution around it. For now we’ll stick with our current approach. Cheers!