Page include ignoring querystring after Toggle Component action

So I opened a support ticket, and I was able to get this sorted. The suggestion for the queue was to use a loading screen. Obvious I know, but I wanted to confirm this was best practice.

As far as the single page include the trick was to NOT set the page include to have a default model ID. So the Page Include does not load to start. Then I set an ID in a UI model, and force a update of the page include via JS by using the action sequence for the page:

Sequence - (Event: “Skuid Page: Rendered”) 

This snippet just checks if the ID is set on my UI model and if it is it loads that ID, if it isn’t I load a different ID for the page include.

I can give out more detail if anyone cares, but I thought I’d share that it is possible to re-use one page include like this.