Slow performance on Lightning page on Winter 18

Sean and Kien, here is an update on where we are at with the performance of Skuid within Lightning Experience:

First of all, in Production, we highly recommend that you ensure that you enable the Salesforce Session Setting “Enable secure and persistent browser caching to improve performance” — this is available within Setup > Session Settings > Caching. 

We are planning a Q2 release for Skuid-on-Salesforce (probably early May), which will include a number of performance improvements for Skuid within Lightning Experience that did not make it into the Millau Update 1 release that came out last quarter.

 - Caching of component service resources: every Lightning Component, including Salesforce’s native Lightning Components, customer-created components, and partner-created components such as the Skuid Lightning Component, has to make some network requests when you first go to an area within Lightning Experience where that component is included. After initial load, much of the component’s resources can be cached such that subsequent uses of that component will be much faster. In the Q2 18 release, we are implementing a variety of caching so that subsequent requests for Skuid Lightning Components will be faster.

- Size reduction and consolidation of JavaScript resources: we are reducing the number of JavaScript files required for Skuid to run within Lightning Experience, and trimming the size of those resources as much as possible. This should reduce the load time for both first-time visits and subsequent visits to a Skuid Lightning Component.

Depending on network speeds, these optimizations should reduce return-visit Lightning page load times by seconds. 

There may be other performance optimizations that make it into the next release, but at this point these are the principal optimizations that you can be looking forward to in the next release.