"If hidden, Model field changes should be cancelled" not working on new record

Hello Stephen,

As I have created a page where one object record should be inserted. The page has several fields but all fields should not be displayed to the user. The rendering of fields depends on the value from the two picklists If I have selected Option 1 in the first picklist and option 3 in the second one…I should show location text field to user…This is working well…I can save this and it gets saved.

Same case is for edit as well…

Let’s say for example I edit this record which I just created… And I select Option 1 in the first picklist and option 2 in the second picklist, now location text box is hidden and duration picklist is rendered true… If I enter a value in the duration field… it should clear the location text box value when saved…

Hope I have cleared my query.

Richa Sharma