Solution for field editor edit mode button

Also, you could use the same concept to change the mode for multiple components by including all of the component ids in the button’s class list!

var params = arguments[0], $ = skuid&#46;$, targetList = params&#46;button[0]&#46;classList; $&#46;each(targetList,function(){ var component = skuid&#46;$C(this), &#47;&#47; $C is component&#46;getById f = component &amp;&amp; component&#46;element; if (f) { if(f&#46;mode == 'read'){ f&#46;mode = 'edit'; f&#46;list&#46;render({doNotCache:true}); } else if(f&#46;mode == 'edit'){ f&#46;mode = 'read'; f&#46;list&#46;render({doNotCache:true}); } } });<br />