Custom Metadata - A better way to manage Skuid page/pageassignment/etc. migrations?

Hey Pat -

Thanks for this, very helpful.  A few thoughts:

1) Your approach seems risky unless you are very careful about which pages you are modifying in each feature.  For example, what do you do when “Feature A” and “Feature B” are worked on simultaneously and both need to modify “Page ABC”?  Using page packs would make this very difficult to merge properly.

2) You mentioned each page pack has its own “module” name.  Did you mean Skuid “Module”?  If so, how do you reconcile these upon merge to CI/UAT/etc?  In other words, if Feature A gets a module name of “Feature A” then all pages will be in that Module.  What if this feature needs to modify a page that already exists in a different module?  Or what if this feature is creating a new master page or shared page of some type that another feature at some point needs?  Do the pages remain in Feature A Module? 

3) If you were to use the CLI (I understand you don’t want to so just humor me :)), do you think there would be other challenges you’d face if you just swapped in CLI to your process instead of page packs?

4) With your current process, what challenges are you facing specifically?