Custom Metadata - A better way to manage Skuid page/pageassignment/etc. migrations?

Zach and/ or Barry,

I’m deep into an implementation of SDLC/Agile Development. The solution we’re using is to use page packs as it’s easily accessible to understood by all the developers. Developers that don’t currently use any CLI tools I might add. Adding a process that makes use of CLI makes the implementation that much more intimidating to myself and our developers.

What I’m trying to drive at is that CLI is an imaginary line in the sand that many declarative devs aren’t easily/willingly going to cross. It’s a piece of cake for the likes of anyone with a software engineering background/career.

Skuid devs are commonly declarative devs who absolutely love what Skuid allows them to do sans any coding. Me clearly among them for sure.

So coming back to my implementation. Page packs is a solution that works with source control. Not ideal but it works. Any suggestions on how best to use page packs in this SDLC flow starting with the Admin (Skuid dev)?

