Link to a visualforce page not working

I am having the same problem. My VF page (name is AFLSkuid_InventoryPublish) looks like this:

<apex:page controller=“skuid.Redirects” action=“{!redirect}&page=InventoryPLM”/>

my URL redirect is this:

I get a visualforce error that says “The name can only contain underscores and alphanumeric characters. It must begin with a letter and be unique, and must not include spaces, end with an underscore, or contain two consecutive underscores.”

The URL that it redirects to is:

Usually the URL would look like this:

(notice the ‘UI&’ changed to ‘skuid__ui?’)

How can I get my VF page to produce the correct url? I am not doing a skuid page assignment. I just want a button with a url to my visualforce page, which will point to a skuid page. I am doing this method because only a handful of users are allowed to access this page and we are controlling it by permission set. With a permission set, I can control access to the Visualforce page (unauthorized users will get an error.) Preferred method would be to render the button based on the permission set, but we can’t do that. :slight_smile: (thanks Salesforce…)