Is there a way to set a tab(has a unique id) via a skuid page include

Hey Barry…I followed your instructions and I’m getting this error…

noteAttachment(here i’m doing the console.log to make sure I’m getting the tab passed to the include…so that’s working well)

But then it looks like the selectTab function can’t be found.

VM904:180 Uncaught TypeError: tabSet.selectTab is not a function
at selectTab (eval at (skuid__JQueryJS:2), :180:12)
at HTMLBodyElement.eval (eval at (skuid__JQueryJS:2), :190:9)
at HTMLBodyElement.d (skuid__JQueryJS:3)
at HTMLBodyElement.dispatch (skuid__JQueryJS:3)
at HTMLBodyElement.q.handle (skuid__JQueryJS:3)
at Object.trigger (skuid__JQueryJS:3)
at HTMLDivElement. (skuid__JQueryJS:3)
at Function.each (skuid__JQueryJS:2)
at ga.fn.init.each (skuid__JQueryJS:2)
at ga.fn.init.trigger (skuid__JQueryJS:3)