Code snippet to render a field if any child record of custom object has a value of true in a custom

Hey, Brandon,
To do this, first you’ll need to include the child relationship for the Experience object in the Case model, if you haven’t done so already. This tutorial explains how to do this:

Your snippet would be called as a custom field renderer on the Order Number field, and would look something like this:

var CHILD_RELATIONSHIP_NAME = 'Experiences__r', // Replace with the name of your child relationship CHILD_FIELD_NAME; // Replace with the name of the field on the child relationship you want to reference var field = arguments[0], value = arguments[1], $ = skuid.$, caseModel = field.model, caseRow = field.row, experiences = []; // Get the experiences child relationship if (caseModel.getFieldValue(caseRow, CHILD_RELATIONSHIP_NAME)) { experiences = caseModel.getFieldValue(caseRow, CHILD_RELATIONSHIP_NAME).records; } // Loop through child records; check if the "Show Order Number" field is true for any of them var showOrderNumber = false; if (experiences.length > 0) { $.each(experiences, function(i, record) { if (record.CHILD_FIELD_NAME === true) { showOrderNumber = true; } }); } if (showOrderNumber === true) { // Run the standard field renderer skuid.ui.fieldRenderers[field.metadata.displaytype][field.mode](field,value); } else { // Do nothing }

Let me know how that works.