How to send the newly created salesforce id to a Custom APEX action as a parameter

var prevAppModel = skuid.model.getModel('PrevApplication'), prevAppRow = prevAppModel.getFirstRow(); .... .... .... .... result = sforce.apex.execute('CreateNewLoanApplication','createApplication', param); var relMsg = result.toString().split('##'); alert("### "+relMsg[0]+relMsg[1]); if (relMsg[0] === 'FAILED') { alert(relMsg[1]); } else { alert("Application Created Successfully."); alert(result); // updated syntax below var changes = { Refinance_RB_Id__c: result }; prevAppModel.updateRow(prevAppRow, changes); }<br>

I updated the syntax at the end. Let me know if you have any questions :slight_smile: